Persona Pentathlon Atlantia A&S Festival 2018

When you’re creative, but uber lazy like I am, it takes a real hard push to finish research, writing, and making things for a competition. I have jumped off the deck with the crazy, and entered myself into my Kingdom’s Arts & Sciences competition. Mainly the Persona Pentathlon.
First Item on my list of to do’s was my Bruise Juice Project. A research paper on Medieval Herbcraft, mainly about the herbs I use in a concoction called bruise cream, tools and herbs used to make it, and whether or not a medieval woman would have been able to learn about the simple herbs, and how to use them. It is finished and emailed off to the judges.
Second is making a few jars of the bruise cream using the juice, and other ingredients and how we can still make creams and salves today the same way they were made in the middle ages. I have gotten the Documentation typed up and Printed and two little jars of the cream made from the oil.
Third up on the list is a 14th century alms purse Pattern and how I couldn’t find a commercial pattern for the trapezoidal dome topped alms purse, so with the tidbits of measurements from museums I drafted one, and then had to change it to look more in keeping with the extant items it was being drafted from. All of the Documentation is written up and Printed and the Photography is done, and the little pouches made.
Fourth on the list is a 14th century studded girdle belt Blank. The little belt is made, documentation is written and printed and all photography finished and printed as well.  Fifth and finally are the loose leaves (pages) of a cordiform bestiary. March third is coming up, and I have just a few pages of the bestiary pages left to paint and the documentation all written up and printed.  When I am done with the competition I will be posting all of the documentation and patterns here in pdf format for easy downloading.

Wish me luck? I truly think I’m gonna need it.