No Good Deed goes Unpunished

Or they catch up with you even if you flee your kingdom for the next…
I move quite a lot, for many reasons I am not going to get into in this post..and because I move it is often that I miss out on the joys of being given awards in the Kingdom and Barony as I leave..Nope, No more, with the magical onset of the SCA becoming more and more digital and using social networks like Facebook one can no longer cut and run thinking that those you leave behind aren’t going to find you when you start to play again..and so it was with my former Barony. The Citadel of the Southern Pass is in the Kingdom of the Outlands, and that crazy bunch (I love you all!) got it in their heads to hunt me down and make sure I received the award that I had been recommended for…
So remember this, if you think you’re not appreciated, think again. Because if someone wants you to have that award, they will move the mountain to make sure the mail gets in on time! I am humbled(there’s that word again!) that they thought so highly of me, that they organized with my New Barony to make sure I got pulled up in court to receive it. So now the (former) Bar Wench has gotten recognition for her good works and misses those of her former Barony even more. My road in the SCA is getting longer and longer the more I play, and it all started in the Kingdom of An Tir in the Barony of Blatha An Oir, travels down to the Outlands and is now Currently in Atlantia in the Barony of Tir-Y-Don. The road may seem long, but as the Known World gets larger and larger, its also shrinking. We know many of the people, even if we have never met in person. Thank you Facebook…Thank you internet, and cellular technology…without you we would still be using the Post Office to send our award recommendations and hoping the dog doesn’t eat the mailman..